Active members have paid their dues ($40/year), and attended the following: 3 general meetings, 3 socials, 10 service points (2 can be transferred in), & 5 miscellaneous points. Miscellaneous points include extra service, special events, mentorship/research participation, & workshops. 1 Service hour is equal to 1 service point.
Contact our treasurer to set up a payment plan that works for you. We are here to support you and do not want a financial situation to prevent you from receiving all of the opportunities and community we offer. 
Leadership positions are opened for applicants once a year. This includes all officer positions and all committees. President is also opened once a year, but you have to have been an officer for at least one year in order to apply.
We have a live points spreadsheet located in our header.
To make up for general meetings you are unable to attend, you need to notify our secretary of your situation. Then you would need to pick up mentoring in place of general meetings.